Felipe from Brazil, 2011–12

Feb 07 2018

“I always admired the American culture, and when I was sixteen year old, I had the opportunity to become an exchange student, and I didn’t think twice. I went to Hinesville, Georgia, in 2012 and had an amazing host family and good friends that helped me. It was there that I learned to become more independent. I’m so thankful for that time and being able to learn the language and culture. When I came back to my country I had some job opportunities because of my fluency in English, including the opportunity to be an interpreter. Today I’m a police officer in my country!”

– Felipe Atanazio Pires from Brazil, 2011–12

“I think the greatest reward I got from my exchange was not only the better English skills but also every experience and lesson I had learned. It changed myself and…

Nawaporn from Thailand

“Every person I’ve met here in some way made me think better about myself. And this, I must say, is my biggest impression here. That anytime you talk to somebody –…

Arina from Russia

“My NWSE Exchange has been perfect – the best decision I ever made.”

Emil from Germany

“Our biggest reward is that we built such an amazing friendship and feel like we gained another daughter. Our children learned about different cultures and how to be better communicators.…

Julie and Kelly from Utah, USA
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