Lea from Germany, 2016–17

Feb 07 2018

“During my student exchange, I had so many great and new experiences. I would have never thought that I could call a new and totally different place, a family I didn’t know, and all the strangers who became my best friends, my new home. I am still in touch with all the wonderful people I got to meet, and I know that these friendships will last forever. I am counting the days until I can go back to see everyone. I am so grateful for all the memories I made and brought back with me. I would love to go to college in America after finishing high school, and I cannot wait to travel and explore the world, because having friends all over the world is what I call pure happiness.”

– Lea Follmann from Germany, 2016–17

“What I like so much about America is the space – the land, the sky. It is so beautiful.”

Shunnosuke from Japan

“Taking part in this program was much more than living for six months in another continent with different people. I still can’t believe how close I got with my friends…

Chiara from Italy

“Every person I’ve met here in some way made me think better about myself. And this, I must say, is my biggest impression here. That anytime you talk to somebody –…

Arina from Russia

“This was our first experience. Everything went very smoothly for us. My husband, who was pretty nervous about the whole idea [of hosting], loved the experience. He texted me the…

Laurie and Glenn from Montana, USA
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